Nature Photography

Thanks for joining me! In my English class I was assigned a passion project. For this project i’ll be doing nature photography. I chose nature photography because I’m interested in photography and I’ve noticed how many people don’t spend enough time outdoors. My big question is do people spend enough time outside? I hope to show the importance of enjoying nature through photography. I hope to encourage people to spend some time with nature. I’ll be making blog posts to track my progress.


Week #1

i ‘ve made good progress during the past week. I did go ahead a buy a new camera battery because I lost my old one. I presented my elevator pitch to my peers and told them about it. My big question is do people spend enough time outside? I hope to show the importance of enjoying nature through photography. it will hopefully encourage people to want to go outside and enjoy nature. My plan is to take pictures and chose the best ones.

Week #2

This week I made a lot of progress. I went to a nice park and took a lot of photos of the nature there. I picked the photos which I thought were the best and fixed them up a little. I also had my camera everywhere I went just in case there were any good photo opportunities. I also started taking close up nature photos. I got a new lens so that I could take photos form father away.

Week #3

This week My sister, dad and I went to visit family in El Salvador. I of course took my camera. I took a lot of good nature photos while I was over there. When I came back I was behind on most of my school work because I was gone for two weeks. But now that I was back I uploaded all of the photos that I took onto my computer and fixed them a little bit. Now all I have to do is add them here or to a website.

Ted Talk

My name is Alan Rivera. Have you noticed then people have been spending less and less time outdoors, well for my passion project I chose the topic of Nature photography. I chose this topic mainly because nature photography is something that interests me. My hope for the project was to try to get people to spend more time outdoors by showing the best pictures that I took. Having a connection with nature is important because it has a lot of benefits.

The way that I went by this was by making a project calendar. In this project calendar I planned out what i was going to do each day. For example one day I went and bought a new camera battery because I lost my old one, and another day I went to a park and took photos. I also made a blog where I wrote weekly blog posts to track my progress. I researched places that I could go to and take nature photos. I ended up taking a bunch of photos. I picked the ones I thought were the best and fixed them up a bit.  

Hopefully I was able to get people to go outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature. I really enjoyed taking nature photos because i’m actually interested in photography.